18 Jan

Stone Soup Healing Circle with Nikita Kissoon

06:00 pm-09:00 pm


Nikita Kissoon hosts the January edition of her ‘Stone Soup’ circle as part of NGCI’s Art & Wellness initiative. This circle of healing and trust invites participants to connect with themselves and others through quiet time  and conversation.

Come as you are. A circle of trust awaits you.


“Remarkable evening with beautiful beings. A safe space to share your authentic self, struggles, joys and life journey. It is like group therapy without the pressure to speak if your preference were to hold space and receive.”- Emily Sully
“Stone soup created a safe space for me and the wonderful souls I met to release openly about our experiences. As I shared my deepest pains that changed my life, there was such a healing and comforting impact that I would recommend to anyone looking for support.”- Sasha Singh
“Last night was beautiful, thanks for being so courageous to create this space, think you have found your special calling. For the first time in a while, I feel so light after sharing such personal details about myself. I usually regret opening up but I still feel good about it. I believe everyone took something from last night.”- Tristanna Mascal
“Beautiful experience of opening up and sharing struggles and vulnerable moments in a safe, supportive, non-judgmental environment. It definitely left room for thought and I’m already looking forward to the next one.”- Kaneesa Ebanks-Wilson
“The session was an amazing and healing experience as we connected in a safe space.”- Renee Ebanks

To join ‘Stone Soup’ contact us at programme@nationalgallery.org.ky or 345-945-8111.

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