20 Oct

Preschoolers & Parents •

02:30 pm-03:30 pm
$5 *10% Member Discount


Preschoolers and Parents is a drop-in class featuring interactive storytelling and art activities based off of popular children’s books. Toddlers aged 2-4 have fun as they interact with other children and develop their artistic skills led by parents and guardians. Join NGCI instructors in the Susan A. Olde Art Studio every Friday from 10:30 AM – 11:30 AM to read a story, and then use your imagination to make the book come to life through engaging art activities.

Friday, 20 October 2017
Join us as we read Island Babies: Ready. Set… HATCH! by Jeunanne Alkins and make sparkling clay turtle eggs. This book tells the story Hatch, a competitive little Leatherback Turtle. He and his tiny hatchling brothers and sisters are racing wildly to crack out of their eggs and be first to the sea. Crisis arises as the nearby river breaks its banks, flooding the nest. Narrated by Hatch, this charming story teaches the young turtles a lesson about teamwork – they discover that unless they work together, no one will get out of the crumbling mess!  




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